Professional Mattress Cleaning Systems
There are very few companies can provide a successful traceable record as long as AllerX® Mattress Cleaning Systems. If you decide to start with your own dealership, you can feel reassured that by using the AllerX® Mattress Cleaning Systems you are joining a company with a long pedigree in providing the highest quality service.
AllerX has developed a unique procedure to deeply clean AND 99% sanitizing mattresses on customers’ location, with the most advanced mattress cleaning systems available.
From only 999 euros, you can already start your mattress cleaning business with a professional AllerX Mattress Cleaning System.
For more product advises and the latest promotion, please contact our sales team or send a message to!
AllerX® Mattress Cleaning Systems has developed a new V8 system. It is natural, more powerful and higher efficiency, comparing to similar products in the market.
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