Indoor Air Pollution in the bedroom
Truth is air pollution is not only about outside public air, it is more and more obvious to people that indoor air pollution is getting worse. The air inside your home may be polluted by lead (in house dust), formaldehyde, fire-retardants, radon, even volatile chemicals from fragrances used in conventional cleaners.
Pollutants found indoor can be tracked into the home, or arrived via a new mattress, or furniture, carpet cleaners, or a coat of paint on the walls. Young children, people with asthma, and the elderly may be especially sensitive to indoor pollutants. However, the other severe health issues caused by indoor air pollutants may appear years later, after repeated exposure.
Mainly because modern homes are purposely made airtight, these pollutants can’t easily get away. Therefore, we’re all exposed to a higher degree of indoor air pollution than we would like to admit.
There are some simple steps can be done to improve Indoor Air Quality.
1. Keep the floor minimum decorated. Vacuum regularly and mop regularly with water. Separate indoor and outdoor shoes and rub the dust from shoes as much as possible.
2. Keep health level of humidity in house, which can greatly helpful to slow down the growth of dust mites, molds, and other microorganisms. 30-50% humidity is consider ok for indoor environment.
3. No-smoking, just simply no-smoking at home. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals, and second-hand smoke is just the same harmful.
4. Smell good is an option, but smell naturally is the most important thing. Synthetic fragrances is not good for long term inhale because of the amount of chemical it contains. Use natural products and plants, even just as simple as sunlight, is doing a much better job to refresh the indoor air.
Last but not least, don’t think indoor air quality only concerns your home. Imagine how many hours you stay in the office together with many colleagues, therefore office is also a place need improvements of Indoor Air Quality.
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